public events

Food Forest Road Trip with family

School holidays and an invitation to visit Dean Williamson in Fielding to explore his idea for 10 acre food forests up and down the country, was enough to start the road trip planning.

I let a few people know we were heading South, and would love to visit some existing food forests and were happy to talk with people along the way, and an agenda quickly emerged.

We’re leaving Waiheke today (Jul 13th) and will be home on the 24th.

Maybe we’ll meet up at one of these events

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Day 5 - Wellington

The wind was still howling on Wednesday morning and yet recycling contributions were being offered all over the neighbourhood, to be flung in all directions - what strange creatures of habit we are, trying to do the 'right thing' but being somewhat blind to the forces of nature. Daryl took the opportunity to re-fix the third blade of his washing machine generator, and see how it performed. » Read more

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