road trip

Food Forest Road Trip with family

School holidays and an invitation to visit Dean Williamson in Fielding to explore his idea for 10 acre food forests up and down the country, was enough to start the road trip planning.

I let a few people know we were heading South, and would love to visit some existing food forests and were happy to talk with people along the way, and an agenda quickly emerged.

We’re leaving Waiheke today (Jul 13th) and will be home on the 24th.

Maybe we’ll meet up at one of these events

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Day 7 - Reflections

I left my host early and went up the road to meet with Robert Atack over breakfast of coffee and poached eggs. Robert and I originally connected when sharing information about Peak Oil and Climate Change a few years ago at a time when I was setting up a website called Information Is A Human Right, so it was good to meet up with him on his turf. He sent me on my way with some more videos and a dozen Duck eggs. » Read more

Day 6 - Kapiti Coast

Thursday morning began with a trip to the library to meet Barbara who is doing a film project and wanted to do an interview for it. We got about half way through it and the fire alarm went off and everyone evacuated. After wandering around the waterfront for a while we settled in front of William Trethewy's bronze statue on Wellington waterfront of Kupe, his wife Hine te Aparangi, and tohunga (ritual expert) Pekahourangi as they sight Aotearoa.

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Day 5 - Wellington

The wind was still howling on Wednesday morning and yet recycling contributions were being offered all over the neighbourhood, to be flung in all directions - what strange creatures of habit we are, trying to do the 'right thing' but being somewhat blind to the forces of nature. Daryl took the opportunity to re-fix the third blade of his washing machine generator, and see how it performed. » Read more

Day 4 - Masterton, Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt

I left Paul and Christine's place at 7:15 and headed back through the Manawatu Gorge and got down to Masterton by to meet up with Helen Dew, Sonja Corbett and others involved in the Carterton/Wairerapa initiative. An intimate gathering and honest conversation was followed by a lunchtime public presentation to a healthy number of people who were able to break away for a bit to come and engage with the transition consideration.

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Day 3 - Marton

An unhurried morning in Wanganui gave me a chance to post the news from Sunday's event. By the time I arrived at the Environment Centre, things were buzzing already with people engaged in all manner of conversations. Laurence showed me the Wanganui Chronicle which had a picture of me on the front page along with a short quote from the previous evening and referred people to page three where another picture and a favourable article sat alongside a picture of a streaker at yesterday's Rugby match.

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Day 2 - Wanganui

The hired Kia's odometer got to 750km as I drove back to Laurence and Stacy's house on the hill in Wanganui last night. But I'm already ahead of myself... » Read more

Day 1 - Havelock North

Waiheke was still this morning as I looked out over the garden and into the bay. It evoked a feeling of well being. Then walking along the wharf to catch the 7.20 ferry I had a sense of the pivotal moment in history we find ourselves in. » Read more

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