
Orewa Transition Town - September 10th

Thursday 10th September

"Clean Disruption: Why Conventional Energy and Transportation will be Obsolete by 2030"

In 1907, New York, like most large cities, was over 90% dependent on horses for transportation.  A little over a decade later, in 1920, more than 90% of New York's transport was powered by internal combustion engines, and the horse powered transport was soon a historic novelty. » Read more

Trish Allen's Trip to Cuba,

Thursday 8th May, 7pm to 9:30.

“20 years on - Cuba's social, political and agricultural adjustments to a post-oil economy.  What lessons are there for us?"

Trish Allen (remember Rainbow Valley Farm?) talks about her recent trip to Cuba for the International Permaculture Congress. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
The Art Room, Whangaparaoa Hall, Whangaparaoa

Economic growth - the challenge of solving an impossibility theorem

Thursday April 10th, 7:00 to 9:30pm

As Measured by GPD - We Have A Rock Star Economy.  So Why Are So Many People Still Struggling? And What About the Environmental Cost?

Dr. Christoph Schumacher questions the adequacy of GDP and faces the challenge of the Capitalist's paradox - an impossibility theorem. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
The Art Room, Whangaparaoa Hall, Whangaparaoa

Dave Clendon on Local Economies being important for closing the income gap and creating a more equal society.

Thursday March 13th, 7:00 - 9:30pm

“Local Economies Close the Income Gap and Everyone Wins.”

David Clendon speaking on - "The Spirit Level", Local Economies and Better Communities.

"The Spirit Level", by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, presents evidence that more equal societies do better than less equal ones on many social measures; educational performance, heath and life expectancy, for ex » Read more

Location / Venue: 
The Art Room, Whangaparaoa Hall, Whangaparaoa

Transition Towns Orewa Meeting

Our fisrt meeting for the year.  We will watch a short video of Rob Hopkins speaking in California recently, and talk about what we've been up to and would llike to do over the coming year.


Location / Venue: 
Under the Whangaparaoa Hall - 7:30 to 9:30

Green Roofs

Zoe Zimmerman is a very experienced, professional and passionate proponent of green roofs.  Alive with plants, they purify rainwater, insulate a house, mitigate stormwater flows and cool suburbia.  Zoe will talk about new ways of greening roofs, and explain the basics of building a green roof or modifying an existing one?

Location / Venue: 
224 Centreway Road Orewa

Sustainable Careers

Please note change of date, sorry for any inconvenience. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Orewa Guide Hall, 224 Centreway Road, Orewa

"Sustianable Career Options"

How many of us suffer the psychological-fractionation of spending our work lives doing things that clash with our sustainability values? It doesn't have to be that way! Come and hear Unitech Careers Adviser, Yolanda Van Den Bemd's, presentation of employment options that the sustainability conscious can be happy to engage in.

Location / Venue: 
Orewa Guide Hall, 224 Centreway Road, Orewa.

Reclaiming Auckland's Resources


Thursday 10th November

"Reclaiming Auckland's Resources"

A New Vision for Dealing with Auckland's Waste Crisis - with Warren Snow.


Aucklander's bury over 1 million tonnes of waste in landfills every year. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Orewa Guide Hall, 224 Centreway Road

Benefit Screening of Garbage Warrior - Stanmore Bay - Friday 15 August

FILM NET screens GARBAGE WARRIOR as Benefit for Stanmore Bay School

See www.filmnet.org.nz for all the details!

Location / Venue: 
Stanmore Bay School,
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