
Brainstorm Notes from Food Group July 2008

We discussed several ideas to pursue (or find people to pursue!).   The order of implementation seems to be 1. grow it 2. harvest it and save seeds 3. sell it locally or preserve it  

U3A Discussion Topic

The Motueka U3A group is devoting its next meeting to the topic of Transition Towns - who we are, what we do, and why we do it. There will be an introduction to the topic which covers the basics and then a discussion amongst everyone.

Location / Venue: 
Bridge Hall, Tudor Street, Motueka

"Tough Decisions for Tough Times" - Motueka

Public meeting to introduce Transition Town Motueka

Film: Transition Towns.

Speakers: Dr. Ed Kiddle, Ms. Carolyn Hughes

Participatory discussion

Place: St. John's Hall, grounds of Community Hospital, Courtney St., Motueka.

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