
Fresh FM Podcasts Now Online

Fresh FM is airing a series on Transition Towns fortnightly. The first two segments have aired. Each segment is 15 minutes long, and discusses a topic relevant to TT. With these shows, we are creating, in effect, an audio Transition Towns primer.

Transition Town podcasts are now online at:


Grow Potatoes in a Bucket

The Motueka Community Board is organising a potato growing competition with an emphasis on community involveement.  Board member Tara Forde said the Board was encouraging people to get involved with gardening, including those who don't have the space for a traditional garden.

By growing potatoes in buckets minimal effort is required and she hopes a diverse range of people will take part. » Read more

Food Group Wish List for Vision

The following list is a work in progress. We have been gathering ideas from many sources and welcome more. Next step will be breaking it into small steps and giving the steps deadlines. What do you want to see in Motueka in 2020?



» Read more

Climate Change and Peak Oil for New Zealanders book available

Transitioning: Climate Change and Peak Oil for New Zealanders is a book by Sean Millar and Adrienne Puckey that was published just this year. The title says it all. Several print copies have been kindly donated to our community and are being distributed to libraries and other places that people read. It is free and, as stated on the cover, intended to be mobile. Pass it on after reading it. It is also available online in PDF format at the website - » Read more

Sustained Momentum Gathering Meeting

The next TT Motueka Sustained Momentum Gathering Meeting is on Thursday, 6 November at 6:30pm at the Family Services Agency, 27 Talbot Street, Motueka. At htis meeting we will firm up plans for the public meeting with Christoph Hensch on Friday 14 Nov., and the workshop the following day.  We will begin to share the visions of each working group for Motueka in 2020. To my knowledge, there are drafts from Food, Education - Children, Education - General, Biocapacity, and Energy.  See you there!

Roadside Spraying Relief

Are you aware of roadside spraying outside your property?? It happens in Motueka town, too.  The TDC has application forms available to fill in if you want to look after your boundary yourself - the fewer chemicals the better.  The more people who fill in applications, the more they may think about what they are doing. In Linden Place, there are at least 6 residents with "no spray" status now.

Fresh FM Transition Town Shows

Fresh FM is airing a series on Transition Towns fortnightly beginning Monday, November 3, 2008. It plays at 5:10pm and replays on Saturday at 6:40.

The show streams online in realtime on their website, .  Each show is also available for downloading in the Downloads section of the Fresh FM website not long after it airs.

Fresh FM broadcasts across the Nelson/Tasman region on 104.8, Eastern Golden Bay on 95.2, Nelson City on 95.4, and Blenheim on 89.2.

1st show: Introduction - Joanna Santa Barbara » Read more

Workshop - Soils & Gardening in Permaculture Design

Hands-on learning for sustainable land use

Weekend Course
at Riverside Community near Motueka on Nov 22/23

Earthcare Education Aotearoa

Curious how we may solve the challenges of tomorrow? Permaculture is an integrated land use design methodology based on ecological principles, with practical application from sustainable household to eco-nation to global restoration. » Read more

Wratt Report on Climate Change in Tasman Available

This report, prepared for the council, compiled the available science and current predictions specific to the Tasman area. Changes to the local weather pattern are expected, and these will impact the local economy and infrastructure.  A copy of the report is available at the Motueka Service Center.

Cycling Skills Course

Motueka High School - Adult Community Education course (17 years or older)

Thursdays 13, 20, 27 November, 6:30-8:00pm, $15

This course teaches balancing, maneuvering, defensive riding, energy saving techniques and tips to overcome physiological barriers. Marianne Draijer,

copied from the Guardian

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