
WEP Action, Activities and Interest

Action, Activities and Interests

We are only limited by the amount of volunteer energy we can bring to bear on action at any one time, and fortunately this is the ultimate renewable resource! Many of our actions, activities or interests however would take on a completely new aspect if we are successful in securing some funding. Watch this space, but in the meantime, here are some of the things happening currently within the WEP.

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2007 WEP Columns

Introduction to 2007 Waitati Energy Project Columns

The Waitati Energy Project began in 2007. It is not easy to pinpoint the exact date or moment: the Waitati Energy Project is an 'emergent' community initiative, coalescing community action around Energy. Here are the two columns that appeared in the Blueskin News in 2007, columns that publically expressed the WEP, which by then had a very real presence on the ground in Waitati and in relationships with partners. » Read more

Scott Willis's picture

Revolution! Pre-Election Party, Sat 1st November

What? Pre-Election Party!

Why? Election coming up, and we need to shake things up!

When? Saturday, 1st NOV, from 8pm

Where? Waitati Hall, Waitati

Theme? Revolution!

Featuring the fantastic big sound SOUL DEEP


$10 pre-sales
$12 door-sales

Tickets at: Blueskin Library; Greens Office, Stuart St, Dunedin; Russell Davidson (Soul Deep); Taste Nature in Moray Place.

Organised by the Blueskin Greens

Location / Venue: 
Waitati Hall, Waitati

Waitati projects in the news

The 500 residents of Waitati, a township 19km north of Dunedin city, are showing how to live a sustainable lifestyle. Sarah Harvey reports on how "people power" can make a difference.

Otago Daily Times

Residents of the seaside settlement of Waitati are building on their "1970s hippie roots" and are remodelling the township into a hub for energy-saving and sustainability. In the backyards of many Waitati residents' homes are flourishing vegetable gardens, hen houses and composting toilets. Not for them, petrol-guzzling vehicles; instead a proposed "hitching" scheme could see residents wait at designated pick-up points to save on petrol and cut environmental impacts.

The Waitati Energy Project is the driver of the movement and co-ordinator Scott Willis, a University of Otago lecturer in anthropology and Waitati resident, is amazed at the will in the community to get things done. The turning point came in 2006 when the area was cut off by floodwaters. Houses, infrastructure and crops were damaged, and residents realised they could not rely on centralised authorities for help. They needed to help themselves. » Read more

Waitati Edible Gardeners group - Home Page

The WAITATI EDIBLE GARDENERS Group ("WEGgies")WEG Banner Garden A 760

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Blueskin Energy Project

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2010-2011 Focus

The Blueskin Energy Project is a community led project. It is also the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust's economic project and flagship. While taking an integrated approach, the 2010-2011 strategy is to progress the community wind cluster development.


New Blueskin Power Website! » Read more


Waitati Enviro School

Waitati School Environmental Code

1. We conserve energy by shutting doors to keep rooms warm and turning off appliances and lights when not in use

2. We conserve water by turning taps off properly

3. We care about our health so we eat a variety of healthy food and exercise regularly

4. We respect living creatures and enjoy watching them and not hurting them

5. We care for plants and trees by weeding and watering them and not hurting them

6. We are responsible for our waste by using compost bins and rubbish bins correctly » Read more

Waitati Edible Gardens


Waitati Edible Gardens (or 'WEGgies' - as one wag coined: guess what our initiation ceremony involves!) began after a workshop in Waitati in 2006. Green MP Sue Kedgeley gave a talk on food and energy and then we all began brainstorming future scenarios and present solutions. The WEGgies resulted. » Read more

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