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Let's Do It! Anything is possible
Submitted by James Samuel on 7 December 2009 - 9:28am | updated 07 Dec 2009 | Blog entry"Let's Do It!" - a grassroot initiative to clean up the country from illegal waste in just one day. There was over 10 000 tons of illegal waste lying around all over Estonia and it was an outrageous plan -- to clean it all up on one day! More than 600 volunteers were working to make it all happen with only 3 full-time employees. On May 3, 2008 with help of 50 000 volunteers more than 10 000 tons of garbage gathered and Estonia was cleaned up from illegal waste.
Rob Hopkins on Transition Towns at TED
Submitted by James Samuel on 26 November 2009 - 5:33am | updated 26 Nov 2009 | Blog entryOver the last few days I have been posting a number of videos on the subject of money. The financial implosion is almost certainly directly related to the state of our global energy reserves. Since Transition Towns look the energy issue and its related Climate issue squarely in the eye, I thought it was time to hear from Rob Hopkins about how people in communities all over the world are responding, to these very real challenges of the day.
Douglas Rushkoff's offering of "Radical Abundance: How We Get Past "Free"
Submitted by James Samuel on 24 November 2009 - 5:40am | updated 24 Nov 2009 | Blog entry
Thanks for the tweet, Pete. This is doubley brilliant.
If you're reading this, you're looking at a computer screen, and therefore what is offered here is relevant to you. » Read more
We need real news
Submitted by James Samuel on 30 October 2009 - 10:22am | updated 30 Oct 2009 | Blog entryI choose to share this video with you, because of how it affected me. I own my responses to it, and so you will not be taken by surprise if you click play, I wish to express some of the emotions it brought up in me.
I went from feeling delight that such a clear message was available to be shared, excitement at the possibility that we can wake up together and build a different world, to feeling fear from the knowledge that we have limited time to act in ways that might turn this spiral into a regenerative one which rebuilds the living systems and societies on this earth, then I felt a deep sorrow that we have lost so much, an awful sense of hopelessness - when I submit to the lie I tell myself, that I am weak and powerless. I felt couragous from the kowledge that we are stepping forward together. I felt hope in the possibiliy that we are about to create a brighter world, entering into it with our eyes wide open and the future well-being of our children and their children firmly in our sites.
And I felt grateful to you for being part of this movement of awake people, who are stepping out of the illusion of being a seperated and isolated individual, and celebrating in the joy and the possibility of co-creating a new and sustainable world together.
This talk by Paul Jay expresses how he came to be leading a New network that keeps our reality alive, and is not driven by profit motives of corporate media. It is like a tour of the world the likes of which I have seen rarely. It gives a glimpse of an interconnected world, very different from the one we may have thought we were living in. Here is a much bigger picture of what is happening across our world today, and at least one man's response to it.
I guess I identified with the motive. Having started my own version of a filtered set of news a few weeks ago. I have been connecting to some great media out there (including the likes of The Real News), and I post them on Transition TV - at least one new one every day - describing both the challenges but mostly the creativity with which people are responding to them.
October 4th, 2009 Paul Jay: We think good journalism first starts with accepting that you can't know any absolute truth. And when we say "The Real News," we don't mean we know some absolute truth; what we mean is that there is a real world out there, and we all have direct experience with it, and we want to cut past all the propaganda and the spin that describes that world through news, because we're now entering a period of human history which is certainly one of the more dangerous crossroads we've ever been in, and perhaps as never before we need to know what the reality is...
Wake Up Call - 2632 events in 134 countries
Submitted by James Samuel on 5 October 2009 - 11:42am | updated 05 Oct 2009 | Blog entryBeds are burning - music and a message
Submitted by James Samuel on 5 October 2009 - 11:01am | updated 05 Oct 2009 | Blog entryNY Post "Special Edition" screams out climate warnings
Submitted by James Samuel on 4 October 2009 - 9:10pm | updated 05 Oct 2009 | Blog entry
It's the number and scale of events like this, that tells me the ground swell is growing.
Google PowerMeter - bio feedback to reduce consumption
Submitted by James Samuel on 4 October 2009 - 7:03am | updated 04 Oct 2009 | Blog entryGeoff Mulgan: Post-crash, investing in a better world
Submitted by James Samuel on 3 October 2009 - 11:10pm | updated 03 Oct 2009 | Blog entryWords like local economy, community currency, hens, bees, and social entrepreneurs, mix well with words like financial crisis, the end of growth, profound crisis, and new paradigms. I am a great fan of TED talks and this one's references to ideas of returning to community-based values and lifestyles make heartening viewing for those of us who see big changes on the way and are willing to embrace the uncertainty.
I felt like applauding, and would have if I was watching in company, and not alone at my kitchen table, when he pointed out that... » Read more
The Brixton Pound - community currency
Submitted by James Samuel on 30 September 2009 - 11:49am | Blog entry
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