Waiheke Island

OLIVE TREE PRUNING - Giverny Gardens, Waiheke Island

OLIVE TREE PRUNING: Saturday 26 June 1pm - 3pm at Giverny Gardens, 443 Seaview Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island. Tutor: Ken Clark. Cost: $45.00. Come and learn how to make your olive trees look beautiful with a master pruner. Ph: 09 372-2200 or Email: info@giverny.co.nz for more information

Location / Venue: 
Giverny Gardens, 443 Seaview Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island.


PLANT PROPAGATION: Sunday 9th May 1pm-3pm at Giverny Gardens, 443 Seaview Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island. Tutor: Ken Clark. Cost: 45.00. Learn to take cuttings and propagate a variety of plant material. Ph: 09 372-2200 or Email: info@giverny.co.nz for more information.

Location / Venue: 
Giverny Gardens, 443 Seaview Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island.


COOKING NUTRIENT DENSE FOOD: Sunday 2nd May 10am - 4pm at Giverny Gardens, 443 Seaview Road, Onetangi, Waiheke Island. Tutor: Sarah la Touche. Cost: $120.00. Course includes stock/broth preparation, fermented foods, how to make seeds, grains and vegetables more digestible and nutritious, yogurt and paneer making, and sprouting. The principles of cooking with whole foods and herbs along with their therapeutic values will be covered. Sarah la Touche is a well known food writer and has authored three cook books. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Giverny Gardens, 443 Seaview Road, Onetangi, Waiheke Island


PERMACULTURE DESIGN COURSE: Friday 30th April - Sunday 16th May. Tutors: Jo Pearsall and Bryan Innes. Jo Pearsall and Bryan Innes are experienced permaculture teachers, members of PINZ and creators of the Ecoshow - they have been practising and teaching permaculture for many years. The course covers sustainable living systems for a wide variety of landscapes and climates and has 5 key components: ETHICS: care of the earth, care of people, limits to consumption/share the surplus. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Waiheke Island, Auckland


GARDEN HERBAL: Saturday 24th April 10am-4pm at Giverny Gardens, 443 Seaview Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island. Tutor: Jill Mulvaney, cost $110.00. Learn all about herbs and weeds in your garden, their properties and how to make your own medicines including essences, tinctures and creams. You will get to take away some of your own preparations. Ph: 09 372-2200 or email: info@giverny.co.nz for more information.

Location / Venue: 
Giverny Gardens, 443 Seaview Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island

Keeping Chickens

KEEPING CHICKENS - What a chicken needs to be happy and healthy, from housing and shelter to diet. Tutor: Dawn Perkins. Cost: $45.00 Saturday 17th April, 1pm - 3pm at Giverny Gardens, 443 Seaview Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island. Ph: 09 372-2200 or info@giverny.co.nz for more info.

Location / Venue: 
Giverny Gardens, 443 Seaview Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island.

12 Steps to creating a Waiheke CSA

Transition Towns has a 12 step framework, which I have adapted here to see if could be useful as a guide for how we might bring the Waiheke CSA into fully operational existence, and meeting its vision of "Waiheke Well Fed".

My additions are in italics. Your comments are welcome. » Read more

A Back of the Napkin look at CSA

After spending a few weeks working on the plan for the Te Matuku Bay property, and an overview of the Waiheke CSA project, I made a presentation to the Waiheke CSA Trust last week. I used a book called "The Back of a Napkin" to help create pictures to describe the What, How Many, Where, When, How, and Why of this project. Click on any picture to enlarge it. Your comments and feedback are most welcome.


This original vision drawing was done by Meriel, Eleanor and myself in early April.

» Read more

Video of Waiheke's protest against losing its recyclables

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