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Waiheke Island
Piritahi Marae and Transition Waiheke talk food growing!
Submitted by James Samuel on 15 August 2008 - 6:30am | updated 24 Aug 2008 | Local newsOn the morning of Sunday 10th August, around 30 members of the local community gathered at Piritahi Marae to discuss sustainable food production for the Island’s current and future needs. Towards the end of the hui, we got together in a circle to share ideas, aspirations and goals that had been discussed within smaller topic-specific groups earlier on in the morning. Here is a brief summary of these conversations and action points that resulted from them. » Read more
Complimentary Currency discussion - Waiheke
Submitted by Anon on 12 August 2008 - 1:02pm | EventBryan Innes and Peter Luiten are coming to Waiheke on Wednesday morning for a 4 hour discussion and presentation of ideas around a local currency. We are very lucky to have them both so willing to share their ideas and help us in this way.
Location / Venue:
139 Nick Johnstonj Drive
Some Waiheke news and events
Submitted by James Samuel on 7 August 2008 - 9:24pm | Local newsHere are some items of Transition Waiheke news and announcements of upcoming events.
What's been happening
Discussions with Right House resulted in the recently published and promoted energy survey. If you live on Waiheke and havent filled in the survey yet, it's not too late to do so online at www.greenwaiheke.co.nz The information is a first step towards greater local energy resilience, with the vision of implementing community owned power generation. » Read more
Transition Waiheke mulled wine meeting
Submitted by James Samuel on 7 August 2008 - 2:32pm | Local newsI wanted to share this, just because it was such a relief in some ways to go to a meeting and come away feeling relaxed. We got together around 7pm, and the fire gave a lovely cosy warmth at Jan and Sue's home. Sue and I brewed some mulled wine, though she was unable to share it with us, as she is due in a few weeks. Then we gathered around the dining table with snacks and glasses of water and cups of tea. » Read more
Long queues as people attempt to get their money out of the banks
Submitted by James Samuel on 3 August 2008 - 3:20pm | updated 03 Aug 2008 | Local newsAren't you expecting to wake up any day to a headline like this? I mean finance companies are falling like flies, and anyone who says the global financial system is robust and that this is a short term blip that might last for a year or two, like it did in the '80's might want to look again. Our human population has grown by almost two billion since 1985, and the price of our most powerful and all pervasive energy source, fossil fuels, is now taking leaps and bounds.
A community issued and managed means of measuring exchange must surely be one response to possible, and actual, runs on the banks. When deposits are no longer honoured by more and more institutions, and savings evaporate over night, one has to think there might be a better alternative.
This afternoon, I was fortunate to have been able to spend some time with a learned gentleman who educated a friend and myself in the finer details of a system that could serve this purpose with ease, simplicity and in a fun way. Much thought has gone into possible methods for initiating, promoting and supporting the implementation of this system.
Watch this space. » Read more
A Crude Awakening - Waiheke
Submitted by James Samuel on 28 July 2008 - 12:53pm | updated 28 Jul 2008 | EventThe New Zealand Herald and other popular media have made the link between the rising prices of food and the price of oil, but they have failed to highlight the link between the rising price of oil and the current geological realities of this valuable but finite resource. Transition Waiheke is offering a screening of this Crude Awakening, that came out in late 2006, when the oil price was spiking at the shockingly high price of $70/barrel! (it has been over $140/barrel in recent months). The film points out that new oil is not being made, discovery peaked a long time ago, and we are now using six barrels of oil for every new one that we discover. Times are a changing. » Read more
Location / Venue:
The Waiheke Community Cinema
Waiheke dialogue on Food
Submitted by James Samuel on 15 July 2008 - 11:46pm | updated 22 Aug 2008 | EventWe have booked Waiheke's Piritahi Marae for this event, which will focus around the question:
"Meeting Waiheke's food needs in a post Peak Oil world"
We will use Open Space Technology to facilitate the dialogue, and look forward to bringing together all the many different people and groups who are involved in food related projects and intiatives all over the island. » Read more
Transition Waiheke Initiatives
updated 26 Jun 2009We started the process of becoming a Transition Town in Summer 2007, and we now have the following active groups:
Community Supported Agriculture
Read all the details and links to other pages and sites here. You will find lots of news and information about this awesome project.
Waiheke Does It Better - Waste initiative
Visit the website and see all the amazing work which is being done on behalf of the whole communty. www.waihekedoesitbetter.org.nz » Read more

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