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Otaki Transition towns finally spawns two groups

Update Nov 21 2009
We have had pot luck dinners every month in 2009 and really got to know one another. Edible garden tours have just started again and we have had no documentary films shown all the year. As a result we may have new members who don't really know our raison d'etre.
I have been putting out a regular newsletter and we now have over 150 on our mailing list. We have quite close contact with TTKapiti, with some of us attending their Seedy Sundays. My newsletters have often included some information on peak oil stories or climate change issues.
This year we started a food group, which is small but effective. Gardening skills are now up at a high level in Otaki. Now the food group is about to start a regular ooooby stall in the main village green once a week for one and a half hours. Surplus back yard food is sold at 60% of the retail price, and excess food after the stall will be given away to appropriate agencies.
We have also started a timebank. Well we are becoming incorporated, have just received our software from US timebanks after considering using Joshua Vial's at worknow and also Tim Jenkins software in South Africa. Don't know if we have made the right decision. We are excited about this venture and are making contact with the local iwi, the Kapiti Coast District Council and many other large entities, including Volunteer Kapiti. It may result in a larger and better funded timebank in the end. Meanwhile we have about 30 frustrated people keen to trade but with no vehicle. Most of them have been phoned by a volunteer.
Both of these efforts have resulted in more community contact. eg. There is a regular monthly forum called Otaki Community Forum where agencies get together. Both groups have presented at this forum and it looks like we might make the local paper for the second time in two years soon with the food stall. (The first was a straight gardening story, nothing about peak oil).
Jamie Bull now takes care of the ning website and has started the ooooby stall, Deirdre Kent started the timebank, and many others participate regularly and positively. We have no legal status. We are not incorporated, or a trust but we do have a tiny bank account.
Sounds good to me! Thanks for
Sounds good to me! Thanks for sharing :)
Awesome to hear Otaki is
Awesome to hear Otaki is growing!