climate change

Jan's picture

NZ govt must change course...

How can we convince the government to change it course (for instance by building more roads & airstrips and not taking responsibility for what products can be sold in NZ, such as inefficient light bulbs and appliances)? I guess the government will have to dismantle the (international) tourism industry in NZ as well and find other jobs for/retrain the people working in tourism. » Read more

Joel Hildebrandt's picture

Weatherization Barnraising

Farmer in Chief - Changing Food, Changing Climate, Addressing Peak Oil

Here is the video of Michael Pollan being interviewed on Web 2.0 Summit. When you have watched this to the end, and been inspired by the possibilities, take a look at and specifically the Ooooby Store


Video thumbnail. Click to play

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If you have trouble playing this here, please use this link

If you don't have fast broadband, you can get some of the information from the following letter to the President (Which obama read and quoted from just prior to the election). The letter doesnt however talk about the exciting changes at the social level, which is where the opportunities are for people involved in initiatives like Transition Towns.Michael Pollan, a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine, is the Knight Professor of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author, most recently, of In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto. Source: Eco Literacy » Read more

Friends Of the Earth and Climate Change education in School

I stumbled across this video ( after a friend sent me this url: - a local-shopping site in Scotland. I had no idea how much The Friends Of the Earth were doing and what they have achieved. If you watch this video here, wait till it's played and see the extra videos that appear across the bottom of the window... » Read more

Climate Change and Peak Oil for New Zealanders - a booklet

There is a booklet now available on the resources page of the TT site under the title:

Sean and Adrienne put this 30 page booklet together and were at the Engineers for Social Responsibility and Sustainable Energy Forum Conference a couple of weeks ago, giving them away. Their intention is clear from the statement on the front cover: "Copying Permitted"

Here are some opening words from the Foreword:

This work is born out of an increasing concern for the future of our families, our country, and our world. At a detailed level, the subject-matter is complex and interconnected, and knowledge of the issues is evolving rapidly. However, at a big picture level, the basic facts are simple and stable. If we carry on with our present levels of fossil fuel use, the number of people the planet is able to support, will be significantly reduced.

It is a brutal message, and one that we, ourselves, are struggling to come to terms with. The contrast with the widely-accepted ethos of ever-rising living standards could hardly be more stark. Born in New Zealand in 1946 and 1948, we are from the baby boom generation, and have enjoyed post-war prosperity, cheap education, and plentiful employment...

Future of Schools

I love watching the murals develop around Opotiki.  They are gorgeous, and create a feeling of powerful community pride.  The newest one on the wall of the college pool has a theme of education from 100 years ago to 50 years into the future.

» Read more

Rimu's picture

NZ Herald quietly announces the end of the world

Arctic meltdown 'past tipping point'

Isn't that a bummer. I was pretty sure I'd be seeing headlines like that in 20 - 30 years time, not today...

Meanwhile, there are a few more hurricanes than usual » Read more

100 Months to prevent irreversible climate change.

The final countdown

Time is fast running out to stop irreversible climate change, a group of global warming experts warns today. We have only 100 months to avoid disaster. Andrew Simms explains why we must act now - and where to begin

See also the website with a link to the science behind the article. » Read more

mark skelding's picture

News: Rod Oram to speak in Thames - 25 july

News Release – 15 July 2008

Energy, Peaks, Happiness, Dollars and Opportunites:
Renowned Journalist To Speak In Thames » Read more

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