climate change

Kiwis for 350 LAST WEEKEND

Sorry to shout - but want the whole country to hear. We really need people in every market (not just our Dunedin one marvellous though it is) and street corner etc getting petitions this weekend. If a slowish quietish start can get us 1,000 confirmed signatures in Dunedin alone, a big obvious push can really make the politicians (and media)take notice.

So please grab a clipboard, petition, and friend/s and go stand somewhere obvious and help wherever and whenever you can.

Many thanks in advance



Formal written petition on climate change launched

Port Chalmers mother of four, Nicky Chapman, is angry about climate change. So angry she’s launched a formal petition to Parliament, and within a few days has already gathered hundreds of signatures.

“Climate change is hard to imagine. It’s not like a war, although it’s more serious. It was when I read about the Arctic seas going acid that it suddenly hit me. I grew up by the sea, I love it. Most Kiwis do. » Read more

Kiwis for 350 formal petition to House of Representatives

We have launched the only formal written petition to go to Parliament on climate change policy.

It urges the Government to use the 350 ppm CO2 equivalents as the policy basis for all legislation and international negotiations - and that we all work together knowledgeably and in partnership to reach this target. 

We are trying achieve a sense of shared direction and positive action over the challenges of climate change. We have so many skills and good ideas in this country.  We need to harness that very real resource, and use it for our country's and the world's benefit. » Read more

Rimu's picture

Short video explaining climate change tipping points

Mainstream climate models don't (and can't) include tipping points in their model, as they are too complex and uncertain. Their existance is known, but their magnitude and exact trigger is a bit up in the air. This video does a great job of clarifying what they are and conveys a sense of how much more urgent they make taking action on climate change. » Read more

Rimu's picture

The psychology of change

Attached to this post is a great essay about the psychological tricks people use to 'cope' with the prospect of a future that will not be how they grew up imagining it will be.

It's about climate change, but works just as well for peak oil.

It covers » Read more

NY Post "Special Edition" screams out climate warnings

"SPECIAL EDITION" NEW YORK POST from The Yes Men on Vimeo.

It's the number and scale of events like this, that tells me the ground swell is growing.

» Read more

Kia ora 350 Aotearoa!

There was a fantastic turnout in Wellington last night for the first session of the government’s consultation meetings on greenhouse gas emissions, with close to 400 people gathering to express their views and concerns to Climate Change Minister Nick Smith.

The audience was diverse and broad reaching, encompassing a wide range of people of different ages and backgrounds, from business leaders to young mothers to leading representatives from Oxfam and Greenpeace, to high school students, farmers, youth leaders and activists. One by one the people lined up, and one by one their messages aligned - a unanimous call for a committed reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2020. The voices were varied but the message the same - that now is the time for New Zealand to act as an example to the rest of the world, to be bold and decisive, and to step up to the most serious and pressing issue of our times.

Several people from 350 took to the microphone to express their views, inviting the Minister to engage with us and take a bold stand at Copenhagen. One 350 member laid down the challenge through a rousing haka that was met with a storm of approval by the crowd. Another reminded the Minister that many of the audience were people who would not have voted for National in the last elections, but were still present at the consultation to offer their encouragement and support. Another called on the government to act on the science, but lead from the heart, to embody a spirit of leadership that reflects the impassioned hopes of a generation who will have to live on with the decisions our governments make.

To see some of our 350 Wellington crew in action at last night's meeting: click here!


The haka is at the end of this video - watch and be inspired! » Read more

350 Aotearoa Bill McKibben Tour 2009

A week-and-a-bit of events for everyone in New Zealand concerned about climate change and wanting to do something about it to make our concern heard...!

Straight from the coal-face of international climate activism and negotiations, Professor Bill McKibben (author, educator, environmentalist) is visiting New Zealand on a whirlwind tour. » Read more

Technological solutions for global warming

I believe I've found a way to immediately cool the Earth cheaply and simply, profitably turn CO2 from coal-fired plants into fuel, de-acidify the ocean with a practical mechancial method, and produce cheap, clean, abundant  power portably: » Read more

Jan's picture

Do we need to more formally organise ourselves? See

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