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Sustainable communities depend upon the sustainability of our people through provision of natural health options
Submitted by andrewhardwick on 25 June 2014 - 1:09am | Forum topicHi. I believe that sustainable living is not just limited to the sustainability of our visible resources, such as land, food, energy etc, but that it should also include the sustainability of our people through natural healthcare provision too.
Mt Victoria July meeting - 'EcoVillage Pioneers' DVD
Submitted by frank cook on 23 June 2014 - 11:12pm | EventTuesday 8th July, at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'EcoVillage Pioneers' DVD. We will see the documentary 'EcoVillage Pioneers', which traces the experience of some low impact pioneering communities across the world. All welcome. For further information contact Frank Cook on 027 649 6508.
Location / Venue:
Crossways Community Centre, 6 Roxburgh Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington
Mt Victoria June meeting - 'Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life' DVD
Submitted by frank cook on 24 May 2014 - 9:09pm | EventTuesday 10th June, at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life' DVD. We will see the Stephen Kellert 60 minute 2012 documentary 'Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life'. Biophilic Design is an innovative way of designing the places where we live, work, and learn. We need nature in a deep and fundamental fashion, but we have often designed our cities and suburbs in ways that both degrade the environment and alienate us from nature. » Read more
Location / Venue:
Crossways Community Centre, 6 Roxburgh Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington
Wellington, Thurs 22 May, 12.30-1.30pm: Launch of new report "Jobs After Coal"
Submitted by timjones on 18 May 2014 - 11:03am | Local newsCoal Action Network Aotearoa invites you to the launch of our major new report, "Jobs After Coal". We hope you can make it - and we hope you'll share the invitation with friends and networks. » Read more
Mt Victoria May meeting - 'Thin Ice' DVD
Submitted by frank cook on 13 May 2014 - 11:29am | updated 13 May 2014 | EventTuesday 13th May, at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'Thin Ice' DVD. We will see the 2013 documentary Thin Ice, billed as the inside story on climate change and made by VUW Scientist Simon Lamb. The film is a unique exploration of the science behind global warming and an intimate portrait of a global community of researchers racing to understand our planet's changing climate. All welcome.
For further information contact Frank Cook on 027 649 6508.
Location / Venue:
Crossways Community Centre, 6 Roxburgh Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington
Trish Allen's Trip to Cuba,
Submitted by gsmith on 6 May 2014 - 10:56pm | updated 07 May 2014 | EventThursday 8th May, 7pm to 9:30.
“20 years on - Cuba's social, political and agricultural adjustments to a post-oil economy. What lessons are there for us?"
Trish Allen (remember Rainbow Valley Farm?) talks about her recent trip to Cuba for the International Permaculture Congress. » Read more
Location / Venue:
The Art Room, Whangaparaoa Hall, Whangaparaoa
Ripples from the Occupy movement
Submitted by James Samuel on 19 April 2014 - 5:45pm | updated 19 Apr 2014 | Blog entryIt's been nearly three years since the Occupy movement burst onto the stage and made it's splash. It highlighted global inequities and the failures of big power and money to ensure we attend to the well-being of all members of society.
One of the ripples has come from of a small group of people in Wellington, who have focussed on building tools to facilitate the discussion and consensus decision making process across groups, without them having to be in the same place at the same time.
From a foundation of several successes under its belt, that include the tool being translated into multiple languages, www.loomio.org launched a crowd-funding campaign a month ago, with a goal of $100,000. It has just closed and the total given is over 123,000 so they will now go on to make the next version of the software, which includes a mobile app. Loomio is commited to keeping the tool open-source and free, while inviting support from users who can afford to give and support its ongoing development.
Economic growth - the challenge of solving an impossibility theorem
Submitted by gsmith on 2 April 2014 - 9:26pm | updated 02 Apr 2014 | EventThursday April 10th, 7:00 to 9:30pm
As Measured by GPD - We Have A Rock Star Economy. So Why Are So Many People Still Struggling? And What About the Environmental Cost?
Dr. Christoph Schumacher questions the adequacy of GDP and faces the challenge of the Capitalist's paradox - an impossibility theorem. » Read more
Location / Venue:
The Art Room, Whangaparaoa Hall, Whangaparaoa
Mt Victoria April meeting - 'The Human Scale' DVD
Submitted by frank cook on 27 March 2014 - 8:15am | updated 27 Mar 2014 | EventTuesday 8th April, at 7.30pm, at New Crossways, Roxburgh St. 'The Human Scale' DVD. We will see the documentary The Human Scale. The Danish architect Jan Gehl has documented how modern cities repel human interaction, and argues that we can build cities in a way which takes human needs for inclusion and intimacy into account. The Human Scale questions our assumptions about modernity, exploring what happens when we put people into the centre of our planning. All welcome.
For further information contact Frank Cook on 027 649 6508.

Science for Energy Scenarios Seminar
Submitted by Susan Krumdieck on 8 March 2014 - 8:11pm | Blog entryIn early February I was invited to participate in a week-long seminar looking at science-based future scenarios. There were about 50 participants, and about 30 experts from Europe and one from America and myself gave presentations on what our modelling shows about the future of energy. This was no IPCC with political filters. None of the scientists was trying to sell a technology or get funding. This is probably as close as you will get to good, honest thinking about the future. » Read more
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