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Scott Willis's picture

Blueskin Wind: Control vs. Ownership

Blueskin Wind: Control vs. Ownership

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Location / Venue: 
Waitati Hall

Solar Powered City

“A Possible Alternative for Powering Auckland”

Can you imagine the Hibiscus Coast powered by Solar Pan

Location / Venue: 
December 5th, 7pm, Whangaparaoa Community Hall, Downstairs Art Room

Mt Victoria November meeting - 'The Nature of Cities' DVD

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Location / Venue: 
Crossways Community Centre, 6 Roxburgh Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington
Scott Willis's picture

2014 Petroleum Block Offer

Please find below the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust's submission to the Dunedin City Council on the 2014 Petroleum Block Offer (permits for Oil & Gas Exploration off the Otago Coast). The DCC put out this notice (read below the DCC message for our submission): » Read more

Hanawera Permaculture Design Course - Horowhenua - January 2014

Permaculture Design Course — January 2014

From Saturday 11th to Saturday 25th January at our 50 hectare permaculture place near Otaki on the Kapiti Coast, with everything from gardens, orchards, arable crops, animals, plantations and wilderness forests, to bio-filtered swimming pool and eco-cabin farmstay.  Includes field trips with local hapu and wild foods. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Hanawera farm — Horowhenua

Mt Victoria October meeting -'A Meeting of Minds', screening of a conversation between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and New Zealand's Lloyd Geering

Tuesday 8th October, at 7.30pm - 'A Meeting of Minds', the Face television conversation between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and New Zealand's Lloyd Geering. The interview screened earlier this year on Triangle television (not available in Wellington) between New Zealand's elder and well published Professor Emeritus on religious studies, Lloyd Geering, and the Dalai Lama. Some of the Dalai Lama's fundamental views on Buddhism and the rest of the world are discussed as well as aspects of his life. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Crossways Community Centre, 6 Roxburgh Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington

Building community like a forest

The first New Zealand Food Forest Hui, held in Auckland last week was a high energy and over-subscribed event (we had sold out and had people in a waiting list). Here are some of the highlights and outcomes. If you missed it, stay in touch, there’s sure to be another!

Building community like a forest

Lucia Pic 2 - lunch on the deckWhile we spoke at the Hui, about food forestsand forest gardens, we also modelled living like a forest – each playing our part in an intricate eco-system of exchanges.


Our forest layers were represented by age, stature, flexibility, stores of knowledge, experience, wisdom and more.

We celebrated what is, embraced the possibilities of what could be and committed to practical actions to support the vision.

Imagine food forest projects popping up all over the country, on public land, on private land, for community benefit, for individual food security and well-being, and for commercial gain. We were united around this vision of building New Zealand’s food self-reliance through resilient, multi-layered, mostly perennial food systems, all the while remaining grounded and caring for each other.

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National Hub revisited


Hi everyone

I've recently returned from England (Totnes) where I had a good chat with the founders of Transition Towns and Transition Network. I asked what conditions created a strong successful transition. There are of coruse several conditions:

1. a sense of identity

2. a strong lateral thinking coordination team

3. where there is a national hub providing support, coordination, stimulation, connections etc. » Read more

Permaculture Design Certification Course


Permaculture Design Certification Course

Design Solutions for Resilient Food, Building and Community Systems 
Saturdays, January 11th - April 26th 2014, $1200 - $1400. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Innermost Gardens, Wellington, NZ