Dunedin north

Dunedin North. Transition Valley 473 Initiating Group Meeting


The Transition Valley 473 Initiating Group is meeting on Sunday 5th of April, 1 pm

at 106 Evans St, Opoho.

Pot-luck Lunch to start.

All welcome.

Enquiries phone Philippa 473-9293

Location / Venue: 
Dunedin North

Transition Valley 473 - The Great Edible Garden Tour

Transition Valley 473 are pleased to present the Great Edible Garden Tour.  The tour will feature three vegetable gardens of various sizes, including chooks.  Also featured will be a fruit tree pruning demonstration.

A chance to find out what others are doing about their own food security.  Come along and pick up some tips for your own plot.

Cost: $10 waged and $5 unwaged.

Space is limited, phone Adrienne early on 473 0995 to get a place on the tour.

Location / Venue: 
North East Valley

Walk for the Planet on their way through

The Walk for the Planet - a Lenten Journey initiated by the church people, will be walking through the Transition Valley 473 area on Monday March 9th.

Everyone is welcome to join in the walk, but you are encouraged to sign up on their website.  Sign up at http://www.walk4theplanet.org.nz/registration.html

This will be a great opportunity to meet people and talk about our concerns for the health of the Planet and all of creation.


Location / Venue: 
Start at Botanic Gardens

Dunedin North, Dalmore/Liberton/Pine Hill, TransitionValley 473: DVD Showing - The Power of Community

Transition Valley 473 presents "The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil," at Liberton Christain Church Pine Hill. Find out what the Cuban "Special Period" was, and how it is relevant to our future in New Zealand. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Liberton Christian Church Pine Hill

Dunedin North, North East Valley,TransitionValley 473 DVD Showing - The Power of Community

Transition Valley 473 presents "The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil," at the NE Valley Baptist Church. Find out what the Cuban "Special Period" was, and how it is relevant to our future in New Zealand. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
North East Valley Baptist Church - 268 North Road

Dunedin North, Opoho. Transition Valley 473: DVD Showing - The Power of Community

Transition Valley 473 presents "The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil," at Opoho Presbyterian Church. Find out what the Cuban "Special Period" was, and how it is relevant to our future in New Zealand. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Opoho Presbyterian Church - 50 Signal Hill Road

Dunedin North : Normanby,TransitionValley 473: DVD Showing - The Power of Community

Transition Valley 473 presents "The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil," at the Normanby Tavern. Find out what the Cuban "Special Period" was, and how it is relevant to our future in New Zealand. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Normanby Tavern - 454 North Road

Transition Valley 473

“Is our community resilient enough to stand up to energy, climate and economic shocks?” – this was the topic of a public meeting attended by about 70 people on 12 February at the North East Valley Baptist Church.

Two short film clips were shown about community actions in the UK and Cuba, followed by Dugald and Alison MacTavish talking about peak oil, climate change and the responses of people in Hampden, North Otago, to strengthen their community.

This was the first of several planned meetings, film screenings and activities organised by the Transition Valley 473 group. » Read more

Sutherland Nursery Open Day

Sutherland Nursery grows heritage and disease resistant fruit trees and berry fruits for easy care home growing in the lower South island. They are located right next to our Transition Valley area in north Dunedin. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Volco Park Farm, Rapid 524 Mt Cargill RD.

Invitations sent near and wide.

During the planning and publicising an upcoming public meeting in North East Valley, we'll be contacting more than 100 people by email and regular mail.  These people have been identified as key individuals and group contacts who live in the Lyndsay Creek catchment area.

People spoken to so far have been very receptive to the transition towns idea.  Some are already aware of the concept and have been waiting for it to start up locally.  We are building on what is already fertile ground. » Read more

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