Dunedin north

PCTT pot-luck tea

Come along to a pot-luck tea, to chat, eat, drink, and catch up with Frank Budding, who was involved with the first 'official' transition town, Totnes, in the UK.  Kids most welcome too.

Everyone very welcome, whether you are living out in Port or just a friendly supporter from anywhere at all!

It will be the last get-together of the year, so plan is just to have fun and maybe throw in some ideas of just how exactly glorious - and resilient - we want our place to be.

Location / Venue: 
Rolfe Room (opp library), Port Chalmers

Dunedin public transport questionnaire responses

Please find attached the responses to our questionnaire on public transport. Warning - it's quite long! But interesting to see how much priority people are putting on climate change - and a fair proportion did answer.


By Transition Valley 473
Do you have some books that have made a positive impression on how you think or feel about nature, sustainable living or community? Would you like to hear about what books other people recommend on this topic? If so we would love to see you at our Sustainability Book Night! » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Dalmore, Pine Hill, Dunedin (exact location from the organisers)


Do you have some books that have made a positive impression on how you think or feel about nature, sustainable living or community? Would you like to hear about what books other people recommend on this topic? If so we would love to see you at our Transition Valley 473 Book Night!

WHEN: Wednesday 18th November, 7-9pm
WHERE: Dalmore
WHAT TO BRING: 1-2 books » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Dalmore, Pine Hill, Dunedin

Human C02 gauge on the Steepest Street in the World, Dunedin

Human C02 gauge,

350 Event on Baldwin St, NEV, Dunedin, 9am-10am.

Location / Venue: 
Baldwin St, North East Valley

Free or near free- giving away reusable goods

Some ways of giving away goods you no longer need but wish to go to a good local home.

This depends a lot on what you have, but sometimes its not easy to find a good match for things you think others might find useful. Please edit and add to this page as needed. Some of these routes are old and some new.

This page will focus on the North East Valley 473 area. The list is ordered from doorstep, outward.

1. Ask your neighbours or put it out on the street with a sign to give away

Examples: furniture, demolition material, firewood » Read more

Sustainability Evening, George St Normal School, Dunedin North

Sustainability Evening 11th June George St Normal School Hall 7.30pm

Three speakers talking about sustainability, getting the most out of your home garden and converting your car to electricity.

Entry Gold Coin.

Location / Venue: 
George St Normal School Hall

Small-scale windpower Thursday 28 May from 5.30pm at Filadelfios at the Gardens


Talk to Nick Holmes, possibly bringing his homebuilt turbine, Bill Currie with some flyers showing the Powerhouse Wind turbine, and Murray Grimwood talking about the domestic windturbine operating at his home.
Our theme this month is hosted by Solar Action Network. For more information about Solar Action Network go to www.solaraction.org.nz


  » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Thursday 28 May from 5.30pm at Filadelfios at the Gardens

The End of Suburbia, film night, Transition Valley Dunedin

Our next thought-provoking film is "The End of Suburbia," a 2004 documentary from the US, which discusses the dwindling supply of cheap fossil fuels and its effect on society. Discussion and cup of tea afterwards. Gold coin koha.
Where: NEV Baptist Church, corner North Rd and Calder Ave.  When: Thursday 14th May at 7pm

Location / Venue: 
NEV Baptist Church, corner North Rd and Calder Ave

Transition Valley Dunedin 473's "Food group" meeting to 'brainstorm'

TV 473's "Food group" is meeting to 'brainstorm' on Sunday 10th May at 3pm. To join in this, or any other 'food' project below, phone 473 9293

'Edible Gardens Tour': There was a good turnout for this. We will offer another tour in the Spring.

Fruit and nut tree planting Can you help Transition Valley 473 meet our target of planting 1000 fruit and nut trees in our area?
Do you intend to plant any fruit trees or bushes this year? Please register them on our website!

Can you offer cuttings of berries or currants? Would you like cuttings? » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Phone 473 9293 for Venue in Opoho
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