Dunedin north

Is our community resilent enough to stand up to energy, climate and economic shocks?

Transition  Valley presents the first of a series of talks and films along with community discussion which will lead on to practical projects.

Dugald MacTavish , an environmental scientist from the Hampden-Moeraki community will describe how that community informed themselves of the challenges of Peak Oil and Climate Change, and how they decided to respond.

We welcome residents of North East Valley, Opoho, Dalmore, Liberton, Pine Hill, Normanby and Mt Mera, to come, bring your neighbours and be part of the solution. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
North East Valley Baptist Church Hall, North Dunedin

Dunedin North

Transition Valley 473

Hi. We're a group of residents from North East Valley, Opoho, Dalmore, Liberton, Pine Hill, Normanby and Mt Mera in North Dunedin. We got together back in 2009 to help the Valley on our transition journey - coping with the climate, energy and economic changes that are coming. We welcome local residents to join us. Many TV473 members wear several 'hats', participating in other groups and initiatives related to sustainability and the environment.

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