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Point Chevalier
Point Chevalier has the following sub groups: Old Homestead Community Garden, Gardening, Library, Purchasing and Treasure Hunt
Anti Mining March - 01 May 2010 (more pics)
updated 03 May 2010TT Pt Chev joins the march against mining - 1 May 2010
A dozen TT Pt Chevalier members plus some partners and kids have joined the march against mining on Saturday. We proudly kept our banner up high marching along Queen Street. After the march the crowd gathered for speeches and music in Myers Park. A number of cheeky creative signs represented the diversity of the people with the same message - GOVERNMENT - DON'T MESS WITH OUR LAND!
March against Mining
updated 03 May 2010Hello everyone
Many of us in Transition Pt Chevalier are very concerned about the proposed changes to the Crown Minerals Act that will allow mining on conservation land (under certain conditions). You may have heard of the march, this Saturday May 1, downtown Queen St at 11am. A number of us are going, and we’d love you to join us. If you want to go by bus, there is an 045 bus that leaves Pt Chev beach at 10.05am – you can just jump on at your stop, or you can meet us there – the best thing is to text or call Niki when you arrive 02102796822. Those of us on the bus will be there by about 10.35 if it is on time!
Of course feel free to arrange carpooling or get here under your own steam. If you’d like further info etc, call me at home 8456525.
Best wishes
Here some pics from the march - more here:
Pt Chevalier TT minutes 1 April 2010
updated 11 Apr 2010
Present: Geoff (Chair), Yolanda, Jenny, Joss, Elisha, Anthony,
Bruce (Minutes)
Apologies: Deryn. Crea, Viviana
Agenda items
1. Regional Environmental hui - Ecomatters Enviro Trust to consider
the new operating environment under the Supercity. Submission prepared
and submitted by Deryn and Geoff. They expect to be invited to make
presentation at the hui.
2. Purchasing Group. Next meeting of this group is scheduled for
April 13th. No substantial progress has been made since the last
» Read morePublic Meeting: Food for a Future: Organic Orchards and Vegetable Gardens in schools
Submitted by DavidHodges on 4 April 2010 - 3:12pm | EventWhy: To provide healthy local organic food for children and an opportunity for children to learn how to grow their own food
What: I aim to emulate Ecomatters' successful organic garden pilot program that has helped several Waitakere City schools develop and maintain gardens and orchards by running a similar scheme in Mt. Albert and surrounding suburbs. Waterview school and Owairaka school have already expressed interest in being involved.
All going well, I will then look to expand the scheme to other parts of Auckland.
What: I aim to emulate Ecomatters' successful organic garden pilot program that has helped several Waitakere City schools develop and maintain gardens and orchards by running a similar scheme in Mt. Albert and surrounding suburbs. Waterview school and Owairaka school have already expressed interest in being involved.
All going well, I will then look to expand the scheme to other parts of Auckland.
Location / Venue:
Downstairs Meeting Room, Pt Chevalier Community Centre, 18 Huia Road, Pt Chevalier
Minutes of monthly meeting on 4 March 2010
* Present: Yolanda (Chair), Beth, Ellen, Diana (Welcome!), Niki, Viviana, Fransisco, Bridget, Keith, Deryn (Minutes)
* Apologies: Jenny, Ruth, Esther, Jo, Geoff, Bruce.
Agenda items
- March 12 & 13 - in the library, Auckland City Council on What does the future hold for Pt Chev?
- Heidi & Yolanda composed/col
Motion in the Ocean - creek cleanup !
updated 15 Mar 2010Motion in the Ocean-creek cleanup <-- click here to see photos of the event. Sunday 14th March 10am-2pm. This event has been organised by students from Western Springs College who are deeply concerned about the state of our oceans and want to take action. It would be fantastic if we could support these local young activists by coming along to their event!
Exciting upcoming events and activities !
updated 02 Mar 2010The OLD HOMESTEAD COMMUNITY GARDEN group
invites all neighbours to come and join us in these exciting upcoming events and activities:
Saturday Feb 27th at 4p m: The first corn harvest BBQ.
Please BYO drinks and other items to BBQ. » Read more
Transition Point Chevalier Meeting - 4 Februay 2010
updated 11 Feb 2010Present - Bruce, Finn, Gary, Jenny, Heidi, Yolanda, Francisco, Vivianna, Niki, Geoff, Keith, Deryn, Jo, Anne, Walter, Guido.
Pt Chev Purchasing Group
updated 27 Jul 2015Welcome to the Transition Pt Chev Purchasing Group !
(newer items please scroll to bottom of this page...)
In 2009 the Transition Pt Chev Purchasing Group got underway. Let's begin our introduction with our ... » Read more

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