
UK Govt Acting on Peak Oil but NZ Govt Deep in Denial

The UK's Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has ordered his officials to look at the impact of a 1970s-style oil price spike on the British economy. Mr Huhne warned that a  1970s-style doubling in the price of oil would drain £45billion from the UK economy in two years, hitting investment and jobs.

Meanwhile our Energy Minister Gerry Brownlee and the NZ government are deep in denial about peak oil and resulting higher oil prices.

Collapse - The Movie

Hi Yesterday I saw an amazing (if somewhat depressing) movie as part of the International Film Festival called Collapse The movie is basically Michael Ruppert talking for an hour and a half about peak oil and the ultimate effect that this will have on our world. I feel he might be too pessimistic and somewhat of a conspiracy theorist (at least I hope he is) but it was eye-opening for me. » Read more

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The psychology of change

Attached to this post is a great essay about the psychological tricks people use to 'cope' with the prospect of a future that will not be how they grew up imagining it will be.

It's about climate change, but works just as well for peak oil.

It covers » Read more

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Brilliant article by Dmitry Orlov.

This is a HUGE presentation by Dmitry. A recomended read as a brilliant overview of current and emerging world situation with a fearles and embacing view of the coming challenges.

Dmitry Orlov's Presentation: Definancialisation, Deglobalisation, Relocalisation

  » Read more

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Dmitry Orlov author of "Re-inventing Collapse" has published some very insightful material about adapting to post-collapse scenarios. Here is a copy of his speech in San Francisco 13 Feb, 2009.

As usual his commentary has many tips and tricks and is sprinkled with some hilarious caustic humour.

His blog is well worth bookmarking and checking about once a week.

The document attached is 11pp has been formated in 11pt text for paper archive. » Read more

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Social collapse best practices

This talk is a but US-centric and assumes a worst-case scenario, but I found it interesting anyway.

The following talk was given on February 13, 2009, at Cowell Theatre in Fort Mason Center, San Francisco, to an audience of 550 people. Audio and video of the talk will be available on the Long Now Foundation web site. » Read more

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The Unnoticed Technologies

When people talk about the role of technology in the future, most of the time the technologies they have in mind are the flashy ones – that is, those that haven’t been around long enough to slip into the background texture of everyday existence. Especially in periods of decline, though, it’s far more likely to be the technologies so common they’re hardly noticed that determine, by their survival or disappearance, the fate of societies. » Read more

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2008 Year Chart

Here is a picture of the transition from Business As Usual to Collapse As Usual that worked through the system during 2008.

Daryl's picture

US in a mess. Setting the oil Price.

From Dan Denning in Colorado:

--While the financial empire burns, OPEC decides whether or not it's going to cut production today. Lower energy prices are about the only good news to come out of falling commodity and stock prices. But OPEC producers like Venezuela and Iran want the world's big oil cartel to cut production and put a floor under prices. » Read more

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I am not 100% sure what these graphs mean but it does not look good

Now. In the chart above, I think it means the banks have been borrowing like crazy from the "big bank that is supposed to save everyone if they run out of money"...

.... and that all banks are about $125 billion overdrawn. » Read more

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