peak oil

NZ Defence Report Ignores Peak Oil. US/German Military Warn It's A Grave Risk

The just released Defence White Paper on New Zealand's strategic and security interests to 2025, as Gordon Campbell points out, is long on rhetoric, and short on coherence and detail.  But worse still it fails to even mention a very serious and imminent threat to our security which both the US and German military have warned about - namely the peaking of global oil production leading to dwindling world oil supplies. » Read more

Mining group believes in tooth fairy -- "New Zealand cushioned against oil shocks"

Straterra, a body representing mining companies has said, "New Zealand is in an excellent position to withstand any future oil shocks, thanks in particular t » Read more

Automatic Earth has released 80 min presentation

On the right is a banner where you can buy a password to view Nicole Stonleigh's presentation.  It costs $12.50 US ($16.30NZ) and for that you can view it unlimited times, but you can't download it.

You probably can, however, give your password to someone else. » Read more

Automatic Earth has released 80 min presentation

On the right is a banner where you can buy a password to view Nicole Stonleigh's presentation.  It costs $12.50 US ($16.30NZ) and for that you can view it unlimited times, but you can't download it.

You probably can, however, give your password to someone else. » Read more

Election fallout and Peak Oil in the media

After the election results came in I took some time to reflect on what is really important, and what path I should follow.  It’s natural to feel disappointment when the outcome is different to what you expect and hope for, but I also feel extremely grateful. » Read more

"Peak hype" on New Zealand's offshore oil reserves

There was much hype and hoopla at the recent New Zealand Petroleum Conference about the extent of New Zealand's potential oil and gas reserves. Chris Uruski, a GNS scientist told Chris Laidlaw on Radio NZ's Sunday that we potentially have 20 billion barrels of oil equivalent in New Zealand's offshore exclusive economic zone. » Read more

Rimu's picture

NZ parliament report on Peak Oil just released

This is a pleasent surprise: someone at parliament (other than the Greens) 'gets it' about peak oil.

Parliament has just released a report that concludes, among other things: » Read more

UK Govt Acting on Peak Oil but NZ Govt Deep in Denial

The UK's Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has ordered his officials to look at the impact of a 1970s-style oil price spike on the British economy. Mr Huhne warned that a  1970s-style doubling in the price of oil would drain £45billion from the UK economy in two years, hitting investment and jobs.

Meanwhile our Energy Minister Gerry Brownlee and the NZ government are deep in denial about peak oil and resulting higher oil prices.

Peak Oil could halve New Zealand's econony - says Study

Two Canterbury University academics have analysed the impact of fuel restraint (peak oil) on New Zealand's economy. » Read more

NZ Draft Energy Strategy - a charade

I read the governments Draft Energy Strategy  and discovered that apart from a bland statement that oil prices will rise and be volatile, it fails to identify the risks to New Zealand's energy security. There is no discussion in the DES about the threats to New Zealand of oil scarcity arising from global oil depletion and no analysis of the potentially devastating impacts on the New Zealand economy from scarcity and/or higher oil prices. Nor does it discuss how soon these threats might arise. For example could they occur within one year, five years, 10 years, or longer? » Read more

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