peak oil

Rimu's picture

UK energy usage

Click on the image for a more detailed and readable PDF version!

This chart shows energy sources as coming in from the left, energy uses as leaving on the right, and energy losses/exports as falling out the bottom.

Aside from the obvious huge gas and oil inputs, some other points of interest (warning, back-of-the-napkin quality calculations ahead!): » Read more

Climate Change and Peak Oil for New Zealanders - a booklet

There is a booklet now available on the resources page of the TT site under the title:

Sean and Adrienne put this 30 page booklet together and were at the Engineers for Social Responsibility and Sustainable Energy Forum Conference a couple of weeks ago, giving them away. Their intention is clear from the statement on the front cover: "Copying Permitted"

Here are some opening words from the Foreword:

This work is born out of an increasing concern for the future of our families, our country, and our world. At a detailed level, the subject-matter is complex and interconnected, and knowledge of the issues is evolving rapidly. However, at a big picture level, the basic facts are simple and stable. If we carry on with our present levels of fossil fuel use, the number of people the planet is able to support, will be significantly reduced.

It is a brutal message, and one that we, ourselves, are struggling to come to terms with. The contrast with the widely-accepted ethos of ever-rising living standards could hardly be more stark. Born in New Zealand in 1946 and 1948, we are from the baby boom generation, and have enjoyed post-war prosperity, cheap education, and plentiful employment...

Rimu's picture

A clear and succinct intrduction to peak oil, in 5 minutes

Rimu's picture

The recent oil price drops

The price of oil is dropping significantly at the moment, which may lead some to believe that the emergency is over for now.

"As world oil production has never peaked before, there is no historical basis for making informed judgments as to what is going to happen. » Read more

Petrol prices are due to peak oil not profits

7 August 2008

Petrol prices are due to peak oil not profits

The problem with petrol pricing is the end of cheap oil, Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel confirmed today. » Read more

The Russian Experience

Most of us have heard about the Cuban story, but here's a story book look at what happened during the Petro collapse in Russia (1991)... » Read more

mark skelding's picture

News: Rod Oram to speak in Thames - 25 july

News Release – 15 July 2008

Energy, Peaks, Happiness, Dollars and Opportunites:
Renowned Journalist To Speak In Thames » Read more

Daryl's picture

Opec earnings reach US$1.251 trillion

Opec's earnings from oil exports are expected to reach a record US$1.251 trillion ($NZ1.68 trillion) this year, about US$73 billion more than previously estimated, the US government's top energy forecasting agency said on Tuesday. » Read more

Rimu's picture

Peak Oil : A Turning Point for Mankind

The term Peak Oil now enters the dictionary as the importance of the issue finally hits the mainstream. The International Energy Agency, which is the OECD watchdog, has long been aware of it having issued a warning in 1998 that demand would outpace supply by 2010 save for the entry of a mysterious element, termed Unidentified Unconventional, which was evidently a coded term for shortage. » Read more

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