peak oil

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This looks set to be quite a wild ride

It's easy to "go dark" on Peak Oil, to focus on the dark side, worry about your children, your family, the world.  Learning about the reality of Peak Oil was  a bit like getting hit in the face with a wet fish, but slowly the silver linings appeared.

Sitting on the motorway, 4:00 pm, Friday, and we are all going exactly nowhere and I think to myself "yeah, peak oil will sort this one out mate!" » Read more

New Foundation to highlight peak oil and end of growth

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

When I started writing this blog over a year ago, I stated my motivation was “to probe, raise awareness, encourage informed debate, and look at community responses.” But it’s often felt like I was a lonely voice in the wilderness. How come almost no one else in New Zealand – even in the blogosphere - was commenting on peak oil and its huge economic implications for our nation? How come there was not even a nascent entity or group taking up the challenge of informing the public, and generating debate that would hopefully seep into the mainstream media? » Read more

Peak oil, recessions and the end of growth

On Tuesday I gave a presentation to Auckland University students on "Peak oil, recessions and the end of growth" » Read more

MIchael Ruppert in Portland, Oregon

Recently Mike Ruppert gave a major speech in Portland Oregon, on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

In it he talks about the spiritual underpinnings of his Gaian viewpoint and advocates forgiveness of debt as a first step in the healing of the planet.

The speech is available here:

Questions and answers are here:

Officials Muzzled on Peak Oil?

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

The government has finally released its Energy Strategy. There are cosmetic changes from the Draft version but it's no surprise that the final Strategy continues to completely ignore the threat of peak oil.  There were many submissions, including my own, which detailed the raft of recent reports from oil and energy experts, think tanks and government institutions which are all pointing to an imminent supply and oil price crunch. And in 2009 government officials themselves gave strong warnings to Ministers. So since 2009, have the officials been muzzled? » Read more

Who Killed Growth?

This latest video produced by Richard Heinberg and the Post-carbon Institute explains succinctly why economic growth is dead and why we are in the predicament we are in at the moment - the debt ceiling crisis and credit downgrade of the United States by Standard and Poors as well as a sovereign debt crisis in Europe that is now affecting larger countries like Spain and Italy. Most of the commentary in our media completely misses the point. » Read more

New Zealand’s Tui Oil Field. - Peak Oil With Bells On

One of the least understood elements of peak oil is the rapid decline rate of production from the peak for any given oil field. For an example of just how severe and steep the decline rate can be, look no further than the recent announcement that the Tui oil field in the Taranaki Basin has had its remaining oil reserves slashed by 1/5, and that production will fall off a cliff. For a New Zealand oilfield, this is peak oil in action with bells on. » Read more

'A Perfect Storm'?

There has been some debate in recent days between those of us that are trying to alert people to economic and social collapse (that is already in train).

For those who doubt and still willing to look at the evidence I would recommend the following areas:

1. US ‘debt ceiling” crisis
Talks between Obama and the Republicans have broken down acrimonniously; this means that some time between 2 and 10 August the USA will default on its 14 trillion dollar debt and will no longer be able to pay out pensions etc, the Chinese will be left holding dollars they don’t want etc. » Read more

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