Wellington South

Wgtn South Meeting

Hi all,

next Wgtn South meeting is 7pm Wednesday 3rd December in Island Bay, at the St Francis de Sales parish hall (corner of Mersey and Clyde St).

In case you haven't been before and you're not super close, you can catch the number 1 bus and hop off at the Empire movie theatre.

http://www.zoomin.co.nz/map/nz/wellington/island+bay/-st+francis+de+sales+catholic+church/ » Read more

Location / Venue: 
St Francis de Sales parish hall, Mersey St, Island Bay
Rimu's picture

Newtown market

There will be trucks selling produce (similar to the Victoria St market). Additional to this will be a range of stalls; a community exchange forum; food; activities for kids, and live music/performances. The aim of the market is to improve access to cheap fresh produce, and to create a space where locals can meet, buy/sell/exchange/barter/fundraise, and therefore support each other and the local economy. If the first market is successful it is likely that a regular 1/week or 1/month market will be established. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
St Anne's Church Hall, bottom of Emmett St, Newtown, Wellington
Rimu's picture

Solar cooking!

Had a great time today, playing around with solar cookers! The weather was kind to us so luckily there was very little cloud.

Johanna had a couple of cookers that she'd made in the past, and John bought some cardboard with tinfoil glued on it, for us to make more. » Read more

Rimu's picture

Wellington South public meeting

Come along! New people welcome. Feel free to bring nibbles, and a small koha for the room hire.

Agenda is likely to be

  • Stall at upcoming newtown market?
  • Orchard proposal for Nov 7th
  • Pimp my ride
Location / Venue: 
Newtown Community Centre on the corner of Rintoul and Colombo St
Rimu's picture

Solar cooking demo - Wellington

We'll be hanging out in our backyard cooking a few things in our solar cookers (both cookers very cheap and simple - not very glamorous - one homemade). We'll probably work on making a couple more cookers out of boxes during the day as well.

Children welcome.

Check this page for notice of postponement if the weather is not good.

Location / Venue: 
Newtown, Wellington. Email johanna.knox@gmail.com for address
Rimu's picture

Wellington South - Transitioneering: Managing the Infrastructure of Energy Descent

A screening of a presentation by Dr Susan Krumdieck from the Canterbury School of Engineering. She (and her team) have modeled a version of a transition town based on her suburb in Christchurch where she has basically put the 12 steps into a practical application.

Location / Venue: 
St Francis de Sales school hall, Mersey Street, Island Bay

Notes from last meeting and draft event calendars for next 6 months

We had a meeting last Wednesday and we had a brainstorm about moving things forward.  We felt that we needed to have a forward plan ahead of meetings, screenings and some other motivating ideas, such as the solar cooking Johanna is currently organising.  Based on those ideas, I have put together a draft calendar for the next few months so we can look ahead a few months at a time.  This is a draft and most of the items are to be confirmed and only goes through to March, bearing in mind that many people will be away over the Christmas period.  Feel free to comment/add/volunteer etc!
Rimu's picture

Wgtn south public meeting

For a map see: http://www.wises.co.nz/l/Wellington/Island+Bay/Mersey+Street/#c/2r7cx/6wqpp/0/

Regular buses going to The Parade, Island (no. 1 bus) - get off opposite the Empire Cinema on the Parade and turn right up Mersey Street at the Hy Grade Dairy.  Walk one block to the church and school hall is at the bottom on the spire.  From town via the Melrose area, take the no. 22 or 23 to Island Bay, which goes right past the church. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
St Francis de Sales School Hall on Mersy Street, Island Bay
Rimu's picture

Wellington South public meeting

Draft agenda


James Samuel is coming


The role of our group in the wider community?


Location / Venue: 
Newtown Community Centre, Columbo St, Newtown
Rimu's picture

Fruit trees

Wellington South Transition Towns is working towards the planting of fruit trees in both community and private areas.

  » Read more

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